This is Five and Nine, a podcast and newsletter at the crossroads of magic, work and economic justice. Welcome to Season 2, Episode 3.
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When it feels like everything is lost, how do we find guidance? Five and Nine talks with Angela Mictlanxochitl Anderson Guerrero, who runs Lideramos, a Latino leadership organization in the US, and who is a practicing abuela, or grandmother, in the Danza de la Luna lineage, a transterritorial Mexica ceremonial practice.
Angela Mictlanxochitl talks about the four components of her thoughtful engagement framework—intention, responsibility, reciprocity and care—, the role of prayer and spirituality in leadership, being authentic in the workplace and how we care for our physical, psychological and emotional health. She closes with a sound and prayer offering in collaboration with artist Enrique Arriaga Celis.
Season 2 is about transitions. As falls sets in in the northern hemisphere and spring int he south, Five and Nine looks at change in all its forms — leaving jobs, changing industries, starting new paths, and the wisdom that tarot and magic have to offer in a world that seems to be ever in flux.
From Our Guest
Bless Me, Ultima, by Rudolfo Anaya
Tarot Cards Discussed
Next World Tarot, by Cristy C. Road
Thoughtful Engagement Framework
Prayer Text
(audio developed in collaboration with Enrique Arriaga Celis)
As I hold my round obsidian mirror, the black magic mirror.
My fingers are around the edges. I lift up the black mirror to my face. As I look into the mirror, I see the reflection of my face in the mirror. I feel myself.
I invite each of you to look back via the other side into the black magic mirror.
Close your eyes and feel -- sense the darkness of the condition of possibility.
With the permission of Nana Metzli, our Moon,
with the permission of Tonantzin, our Mother,
with the permission of the cosmic energies,
and the permission of Tonatiuh, the Sun.
I ask all the directions to invoke the loving energy of this sacred space we occupy to activate the black magic mirror.
May we feel embraced in its stillness wherever you may be, and however you may be.
May you honor your thoughts.
May you honor your insecurities.
May you honor the genius of all the movements in your life.
In the beauty and the tragedy of our relations, I ask that you are shown the depth of your love.
I ask the reflective black light to shine on each of you.
As you feel it tingle, ask yourself, “Who am I and who do I wanna be?”
Listen. Listen. Listen to yourself.
Claim your sacredness, embrace your medicine to heal, and trust in your unique value and gifts.
Now listen and repeat:
My path is open. I am guided by my ancestors.
The magic of the elements and the sacredness of life wants me to survive.
My reflection is my life force.
I dance with the weaving of life so I may come into union with the person I am.
Listen. Listen. Listen to yourself.
As we close, black magic mirror,
Please shower the you in me and the me in you
with love and kindness.
In the light of the black magic mirror,
I am you and you are me,
We are never alone.
With heart over our heads.
Walk with confidence in the black light.
Episode: Oh for the wings of a dove, performed by Geraldine Farrar in 1911 and composed by Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy.
Outro: Ain’t we got fun, composed by Richard A. Whiting and performed by the Benson Orchestra of Chicago, 1921.
Enjoying the show? Consider buying us a virtual cup of coffee. Subscribe now for just $6 per month.
This podcast is always free, but paid subscribers will get access to special content, including how-to's, journaling exercises, tarot suggestions and more.
Each paid subscription helps support our production costs and honoraria for our speakers. With enough support, we’ll also be able to bring back written transcripts for the show, provide stipends for our producers and hosts, and more.
Five and Nine is a podcast and newsletter at the crossroads of magic, work and economic justice. We publish “moonthly” — every new moon 🌚 and full moon 🌝 — , and we provide an ongoing critical discussion through readings, reflections and debate.
In this new world, we’re all rethinking the meaning of work and justice in our lives. Our lives and livelihoods are more essential than ever in identifying ways forward for society that can be grounded in care, compassion and sustainability.
Directors of Magic. Dorothy R. Santos and Xiaowei R. Wang
Creative Director. Xiaowei R. Wang
Lead Producer. Ana Mina (aka An Xiao)
From Angela: “Ometeotl is the balance between all things, our sign of peace be willing.”