This is Five and Nine, a podcast and newsletter at the crossroads of magic, work and economic justice. This is Season 5, Episode 2.
You can find Five and Nine on Apple, Spotify, Google, Instagram and at thisisfiveandnine.com.
Podcast Summary
For our second episode, Dorothy speaks with scholar Tamara Kneese about her most recent book Death Glitch. The conversation covers topics related to the demystification of technological solutions for the afterlife and what it might mean to live responsibly in order to die responsibly. We also discussed the death care community and how some collectives and groups work towards honoring rites and burial practices through a cross-cultural lens.
With this season’s theme of generation(s), this conversation is part of a larger dialogue about death, dying, and, most importantly, how we live and think about our legacies in an increasingly chaotic world. Whether you have drafted a digital estate plan or you have no idea what one is, this episode reveals the importance of thinking and planning for the long-term.
The deck used in Season 5 is the Rider Waite Smith deck. Music is written, composed, and performed by Anna Luisa Petrisko.
Priestess of Pentacles: A Protection Potion for Your Peace
Five and Nine is pleased to host a new column by Selene Darkheart, aka Season 3 guest Victoria Ku, a money and kitchen witch taking us on creative journey through strategic spellcraft and other powerful artistic enchantments to make life magical and full of wealth.
Remember that this content is for informational and entertainment purposes only, and should NOT be considered financial advice. Always consult a qualified professional before making any financial decisions that could impact your financial profile.
Hello cosmic beings, and I hope that the moons have been treating you well.
There is a significant amount of change in the world that has most beings feeling hungover. If you’re in the US, next year will have a “new” president in office, who has previously brought a lot of change (whether good or bad, depending on your position) to tax and financial systems — good or bad, depending on your position. As your Priestess of Pentacles, I would prophesize that the next four years will not be any different than his initial four years.
Thus, today’s magic is all about protection: Protecting your peace, and protecting your assets from inflation.
On days like these, you might be feeling like me where my witchy senses are muddled and confused about what direction to take in the world and how to conserve my energy. Take a moment to feel what we feel before we get started working with our hands and getting our minds out of the haze.
To begin, get cozy. Put on your favorite robe, turn on your favorite music, and make a hygge cup of tea or coffee to prepare. The protection potion we’re going to brew today in our home will be executed in the form of a simmer pot. In creating this potion, we’ll fill our hearth and home with some soothing, cleansing energy.
A cauldron or pot capable of being heated on the stove
Some form of fresh citrus peel (orange, pomelo etc.)
Cinnamon sticks or cinnamon powder
A spoonful of vanilla
The Magic
Fill your cauldron or any small pot halfway with water. Set it on the stove and turn the fire to high in preparation for a boil.
Grab an orange or a pomelo and drop the fresh peel strips into the pot. Citrus fruits are considered cleansing and purification ingredients, and you want to use the heat from the fire to coax the oils out from the skin of the peels.
As you drop the peels into your cauldron, cast a wide mental net around your space and let the citrus scent convert into a (happy) color. Imagine that color filling your home.
Take your cinnamon stick and break it a few times, dropping it into the pot. If you have cinnamon powder, drop a spoonful into the water. As we have previously learned, cinnamon is a strong abundance ingredient but is also a great ingredient for banishing sickness.
Lastly, take a spoonful of vanilla or vanilla extract. Vanilla will fill your home with calm, soothing, and peaceful energy, in addition to being a magnet for good luck and success.
Take a spoon and stir the potion counter clockwise three times, making sure to visualize banishing any sick or corrupted energy in your home. Next, stir clockwise three times, imagining peace, calm, success, life, and love expanding into your world.
The motions of counterclockwise and clockwise allow you to control the pushing away and pulling in of whatever energy you might want in your life.
Once your potion has arrived at a boil, turn the fire down to a simmer. When we bring fire into our spells, they magnify our powers as cosmic beings.
Leave your potion uncapped and let it simmer for 30-60 minutes or as long as there is water in the pot. In about 10-15 minutes you will fill your home with the loveliest vibes for a cozy winter day.

Until the next moon!

Selene Darkheart (Priestess of Pentacles, Enchantress of Innovation, Directrix of Creative Arts) by night, Victoria K by day. As a seasoned money and (surprising) kitchen witch, I blend magic with modern strategies to conjure up a life of abundance. I've lived many lives as a corporate financial analyst for Wells Fargo, builder and maker of sculptures and digital products, and scaler of global payment systems for Airbnb. Let's go on a creative journey together through strategic spellcraft, and other powerful artistic enchantments to make life magical and full of wealth.
Work with Five and Nine Futures Lab
Ready to think about the future in unexpected ways? Five and Nine Futures Lab does workshops, leadership coaching, and strategic planning for organizations and entrepreneurs seeking to expand their creative thinking processes.
Check out our new website to learn more about ways we can work together:
Strategy Sessions: We’ll use whiteboarding, futures frameworks and define clear action steps.
Workshops: Our workshops designed for organizations, startups and conferences alike.
Launch Pad: We’ll help you bring your ideas to life, from discovery sessions to project plans and KPIs, and we’ll accompany your growth trajectory.
Coaching: Ongoing coaching support for multihyphenates, startups and media leaders. Provided by AX Mina Coaching.
Strategy, Trends and Foresight: Custom packages for ongoing support to develop and take action on key strategies for your organization.
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Five and Nine is a podcast and newsletter at the crossroads of magic, work and economic justice. We publish “moonthly” — every new moon 🌚 and full moon 🌝 — , and we provide an ongoing critical discussion through readings, reflections and debate.
Five and Nine is produced by Five and Nine Futures Lab, a research, design and strategy consultancy that helps organizations and companies build better futures through the lens of work, care and magic.
In this new world, we’re all rethinking the meaning of work and justice in our lives. Our lives and livelihoods are more essential than ever in identifying ways forward for society that can be grounded in care, compassion and sustainability.
Directors of Magic. Dorothy R. Santos and Xiaowei R. Wang
Creative Director. Xiaowei R. Wang
Lead Producer. AX Mina (Ana)