This is Five and Nine, a podcast and newsletter at the crossroads of magic, work and economic justice. Welcome to Season 2, Episode 2.
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Enjoying the show? Consider buying us a virtual cup of coffee. Subscribe now for just $6 per month. This podcast is always free, but paid subscribers will get access to special content, including how-to's, journaling exercises, tarot suggestions and more.
How can everyday magic helps us navigate change? Five and Nine talks with artist, designer, and witch Helen Shewolfe Tseng. They share their work on growth spells, drawings made over an extended period of time for personal healing and transformation, and their Coyote Portals series, inspired by the fission-fusion adaptations and mythos of these often misunderstood animals. We also talk about what we learned in nature during lockdown and how to find grounding in uncertain times, from petting our plants to working with free ballpoint pens.
Season 2 is about transitions. As falls sets in in the northern hemisphere and spring int he south, Five and Nine looks at change in all its forms — leaving jobs, changing industries, starting new paths, and the wisdom that tarot and magic have to offer in a world that seems to be ever in flux.
From Our Guest
Coyote Portals (prints available here!)
The Man Who Could Move Clouds, by Ingrid Rojas Contreras
Episode: Bow Wow Blues, performed by the Original Dixieland Jazz Band, 1921.
Outro: Ain’t we got fun, composed by Richard A. Whiting and performed by the Benson Orchestra of Chicago, 1921.
Enjoying the show? Consider buying us a virtual cup of coffee. Subscribe now for just $6 per month.
This podcast is always free, but paid subscribers will get access to special content, including how-to's, journaling exercises, tarot suggestions and more.
Each paid subscription helps support our production costs and honoraria for our speakers. With enough support, we’ll also be able to bring back written transcripts for the show, provide stipends for our producers and hosts, and more.
Five and Nine is a podcast and newsletter at the crossroads of magic, work and economic justice. We publish “moonthly” — every new moon 🌚 and full moon 🌝 — , and we provide an ongoing critical discussion through readings, reflections and debate.
In this new world, we’re all rethinking the meaning of work and justice in our lives. Our lives and livelihoods are more essential than ever in identifying ways forward for society that can be grounded in care, compassion and sustainability.
Directors of Magic. Dorothy R. Santos and Xiaowei R. Wang
Creative Director. Xiaowei R. Wang
Lead Producer. Ana Mina (aka An Xiao)